Medicine Dance Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland 2017

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

A Way of Pausing, Sensing INSIDE, and Responding Inner-directed self guided fluid movement through the Body supported by Thought and Feeling and Sensation, Word and Witness and Music; Silence and Stillness and Sound; Spontaneous Ceremony, Ground and extraordinary Breath. More and less contact with partners, always optional based on your level of comfort, sense of […]

Medicine Dance Immersion in Northumberland, England 2017

Bolton Hall Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom

Sacred Marriage Including All 8th annual Northumberland, UK Immersion, 2017 Tree Spirit Sees by Doris Wolz-Cohen We are preparing to go to lands that we have come to love in the Northeast corner of England, just below her border with Scotland.  Called Northumberland, a county whose population is said to average 2.5 people per square mile.  […]

‘See Hear Love: As a Tree’ UK Medicine Dance Facilitation Training

Bolton Hall Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom

‘See Hear Love: As a Tree’ Facilitation Training and Laboratory is for long term Movement Practitioners with passionate desire to share physical experience that may induce – Love, Exquisite Awareness, a sense of Good, Right Livelihood, Healthy Relationship and State of Being in the world by using techniques to join in with already existing Source Energy. […]


Medicine Dance Immersion Big Island, Hawai’i 2017

Kalani Retreat Center RR2, Box 4500 , Pahoa, HI, United States

Mindful Movement Talking Story We Are All Connected 4th annual Big Island of Hawai’i Immersion at Kalani Retreat Center Facilitated by Gary Glickman PhD, Fred Sugerman, Stephan David Hewitt & Colleen Sugerman, join us for six days and seven nights of moving in paradise, in safe, expressive and sensuous ways. Morning movement, afternoon play, evening Council. […]


Tuesday Morning Mindful Movement in Tarzana

Tuesday Morning Class starts slow and simmers into easy activity and beyond for those desiring a wake-up call to the body. Meant to inform and inspire mindful movement as a personal practice that can be done anytime and anywhere, alone or in group environments.


UK Medicine Dance Immersion 2018

Bolton Hall Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom

Including All DyingBirthingLettingGoHoldingOn      

(Extended) Saturday Morning Class in Santa Monica + Solstice Potluck Gathering

The Church in Ocean Park 235 Hill Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Physically, mentally, and spiritually exhilarating. Verbally guided and often music accompanied.  Saturday Morning Class provides a safe and nurturing space for exploration of present moment thoughts, feelings, and sensations expressed through the body.  Inner-directed and self-permission based, we include the foundation of  safe and dynamic body trainings, which include, but are not limited to: warming up, […]


Outback Yoga Open House

Outback Yoga - an Open House In collaboration with Kimberly Freesh and Christo Pellani An exquisite, new Medicine Dance playground, snugged up to world famous Vasquez rocks, a vortex in the space between Simi Valley and San Fernando valleys. Food and drumming, sound healing, gentle, somatic yoga, and Medicine Dance. Outside and inside.