Medicine Dance Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland 2017
Edinburgh, United KingdomA Way of Pausing, Sensing INSIDE, and Responding Inner-directed self guided fluid movement through the Body supported by Thought and Feeling and Sensation, Word and Witness and Music; Silence and Stillness and Sound; Spontaneous Ceremony, Ground and extraordinary Breath. More and less contact with partners, always optional based on your level of comfort, sense of […]
Medicine Dance Immersion in Northumberland, England 2017
Bolton Hall Alnwick, Northumberland, United KingdomSacred Marriage Including All 8th annual Northumberland, UK Immersion, 2017 Tree Spirit Sees by Doris Wolz-Cohen We are preparing to go to lands that we have come to love in the Northeast corner of England, just below her border with Scotland. Called Northumberland, a county whose population is said to average 2.5 people per square mile. […]
‘See Hear Love: As a Tree’ UK Medicine Dance Facilitation Training
Bolton Hall Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom‘See Hear Love: As a Tree’ Facilitation Training and Laboratory is for long term Movement Practitioners with passionate desire to share physical experience that may induce – Love, Exquisite Awareness, a sense of Good, Right Livelihood, Healthy Relationship and State of Being in the world by using techniques to join in with already existing Source Energy. […]
Medicine Dance Immersion Big Island, Hawai’i 2017
Kalani Retreat Center RR2, Box 4500 , Pahoa, HI, United StatesMindful Movement Talking Story We Are All Connected 4th annual Big Island of Hawai’i Immersion at Kalani Retreat Center Facilitated by Gary Glickman PhD, Fred Sugerman, Stephan David Hewitt & Colleen Sugerman, join us for six days and seven nights of moving in paradise, in safe, expressive and sensuous ways. Morning movement, afternoon play, evening Council. […]
Tuesday Morning Mindful Movement in Tarzana
Tuesday Morning Class starts slow and simmers into easy activity and beyond for those desiring a wake-up call to the body. Meant to inform and inspire mindful movement as a personal practice that can be done anytime and anywhere, alone or in group environments.
Scotland 2018 Immersion and Introduction to Medicine Dance
May 19 & 20, 2018: 2-day immersion and introduction to Medicine Dance
Scotland – Medicine Dance facilitation training and laboratory 2018
See/Hear/Love: As a Tree Edinburgh, Scotland May 21-23, 2018: Medicine Dance facilitation training and laboratory
UK Medicine Dance Immersion 2018
Bolton Hall Alnwick, Northumberland, United KingdomIncluding All DyingBirthingLettingGoHoldingOn
(Extended) Saturday Morning Class in Santa Monica + Solstice Potluck Gathering
The Church in Ocean Park 235 Hill Street, Santa Monica, CA, United StatesPhysically, mentally, and spiritually exhilarating. Verbally guided and often music accompanied. Saturday Morning Class provides a safe and nurturing space for exploration of present moment thoughts, feelings, and sensations expressed through the body. Inner-directed and self-permission based, we include the foundation of safe and dynamic body trainings, which include, but are not limited to: warming up, […]
Outback Yoga Open House
Outback Yoga - an Open House In collaboration with Kimberly Freesh and Christo Pellani An exquisite, new Medicine Dance playground, snugged up to world famous Vasquez rocks, a vortex in the space between Simi Valley and San Fernando valleys. Food and drumming, sound healing, gentle, somatic yoga, and Medicine Dance. Outside and inside.